Turn your diagram sketches into digital schemes

Easily convert your hand-drawn flowcharts and diagrams into digital schemes. Bring your ideas to life with just a few clicks.

527 users already made hundreds of recognitions
Demo Sketch
Demo Sketch Result


You can always edit the results using visual editor or Mermaid code.

Example 1
Example 1 result
Example 2
Example 2 result
Example 3
Example 3 result
Example 4
Example 4 result
Example 5
Example 5 result
Example 6
Example 6 result

Try converting your sketches

Don't waste the energy doing the same work twice

Use your sketches without starting from scratch

It's great to brainstorm on paper, but don't waste time starting from scratch when you move to digital.


Brainstorm your flow


Use Sketch2scheme


Continue digital

Sketch2scheme - Convert hand-drawn diagrams into digital schemes | Product Hunt

What you get

Working on a diagram the usual way

  • Starting from scratch when moving to digital
  • Entering all labels and annotations manually
  • Spending time arranging and aligning elements by hand

Saving time with Sketch2Scheme

  • Automatically convert sketches into digital diagrams
  • Nodes, connections, and text recognition by AI
  • Auto-arranged and aligned elements
  • Export to multiple file types (PNG, SVG, PDF, etc.)
  • Diagrams.net compatible format
  • A line in your resume that you use AI tools


Save hours of repetitive work


Add 10 recognition credits to your account




  • Basic, Visual and Code editors
  • Multiple format export
  • 10 recognition credits


Raised limits for and access to our API platform



  • Everything in Regular
  • Raised or no limits
  • API access

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